China Precision Ceramic Customization Supplier

Aluminum Bitride Ceramics

Aluminum nitride is an excellent material with high thermal conductivity and electrical insulating properties, making it ideal for thermal management and electrical applications. In addition, aluminum nitride is a common substitute for aluminum oxide in the semiconductor industry because it does not pose a health hazard when processed. Aluminum nitride has a thermal expansion coefficient and electrical insulating properties that closely match silicon wafer material, so it has become a useful material for electronic applications.


Radiators and Heat Spreaders , Electrical Insulators for Lasers , Clamps, clamp rings for semiconductor processing equipment , Electrical insulator , Silicon wafer handling and processing , Substrates and insulators for microelectronic and optoelectronic devices , Substrates for electronic packaging , Chip holders for sensors and detectors , Chip , Corlette , Laser Thermal Management Components , Molten metal fixture , Encapsulation of microwave equipment .

News About Aluminum Bitride Ceramics

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