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What are the advantages of precision ceramic valves compared to metals ?


precision ceramic valves

The deformation of precision ceramic valve materials is very small, and it has much higher bonding strength than metals. Since ceramic valve materials are formed under normal conditions, the crystal ionic radius of precision ceramics is much smaller than that of metals, and the ion electron price is high and the coordination number is also Relatively large, these properties determine that the tensile strength, compressive strength, elastic modulus, hardness, etc. of precision ceramic valve materials are very high.

However, the "brittleness" and difficulty of processing of precision ceramics limit the scope of their use. In the past decade, due to the development and improvement of martensitic transformation toughening technology, composite material technology and nano-ceramic concepts, the use of ceramics has been greatly reduced. The "brittleness" has been greatly improved, and the toughness and strength of ceramic valves have been greatly improved. The application range is always expanding.

Precision ceramic valves can be used in high-wear and highly corrosive environments, especially with ultra-long service life. The function-price ratio of ceramic valves is far cheaper than other similar metal valves. With the continuous development of science and technology and the improvement of ceramic valve materials, the technologies in various aspects such as molding, processing and assembly technology have become more mature and complete. Ceramic valves are increasingly recognized by people in the valve industry for their excellent performance and price. . The success of precision ceramic valves in the application manufacturing industry can also be promoted for use in more general engineering fields.

With the development of economy, precision ceramic valves are very commonly used in petroleum and chemical machinery. Of course, the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of ceramic valves are one of the main development directions of the high-tech market in the future.

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