China Precision Ceramic Customization Supplier
silicon carbide ceramic ring
  • silicon carbide ceramic ring
  • silicon carbide ceramic ring
  • silicon carbide ceramic ring

silicon carbide ceramic ring

  • Category:Carbide Ceramics
  • FOB Price:Get Latest Price Now
  • Quality Guarantee:12 Months unless specified otherwise
  • Place of Origin:China
  • Custom description:Customizable production based on drawings
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China silicon carbide ceramic ring Introduction:


    Brand Name
  • OEM
    HS Code
  • 6914100000
  • PCE(Pieces)
    Customed Made
  • Yes
  • 10
    Delivery Period
  • 5 days


Introduction to the characteristics of silicon carbide ceramic rings

Silicon carbide ceramic rings not only have excellent room temperature mechanical properties, such as high bending strength, excellent oxidation resistance, good corrosion resistance, high wear resistance and low friction coefficient, but also high temperature mechanical properties (strength, creep resistance Denaturation, etc.) is the best among known ceramic materials.

Silicon carbide ceramics have excellent mechanical properties, excellent oxidation resistance, high wear resistance and low friction coefficient. The biggest feature of silicon carbide ceramics is high high temperature strength. The strength of ordinary ceramic materials will be significantly reduced at 1200 ~ 1400 degrees Celsius, while the flexural strength of silicon carbide still maintains a high level of 500 ~ 600MPa at 1400 degrees Celsius, so its work The temperature can reach 1600 ~ 1700 degrees Celsius. In addition, silicon carbide ceramics have high thermal conductivity, second only to beryllium oxide ceramics among ceramics.

Application scope of silicon carbide ceramics:

1. High temperature bearings;

2.Bulletproof plate;

3. Nozzle;

4. High temperature corrosion-resistant parts;

5. Electronic equipment components in high temperature and high frequency ranges.

Silicon carbide ceramic properties:

1. Excellent thermal shock resistance

2. High resistivity

3. Low density (3.2g/cm³)

4. High thermal conductivity

5. Anisotropy

6. Corrosion resistance

7. Good chemical inertness

8. High temperature materials

9. No wetting

10. High dielectric breakdown strength, greater than 40 KV/m


Welcome to consult China silicon carbide ceramic ring suppliers. We have more than 10 years of foreign trade supply experience and provide you with high-quality precision ceramics customized supply services and wholesale preferential prices customized by manufacturers. You can get a free quote online or leave a message below and we will reply to you within 24 hours.

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